Rector of Palangka Raya University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salampak, M.S and his staff went on Safari to Gunung Mas Regency on Tuesday, July 25, 2023. Safari activities are carried out in order to visit the KKN locations of UPR students in 2023 in four districts, namely Kapuas, Pulang Pisau, Gunung Mas and Katingan which are carried out for 2 months spread across 113 villages. The Rector’s safari group was welcomed directly by the Regent of Gunung Mas, Jaya Samaya Monong, S.E., M.Si accompanied by the Deputy Regent of Gunung Mas, Ir. Efrensia L.P Umbing, M.Si and staff at the Gunung Mas Bappeda Litbang Hall.
In this safari activity, the Rector of Palangka Raya University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salampak, M.S, received an award from the Gunung Mas Regency Government where UPR through KKN students has played a role in handling stunting and fulfilling child nutrition, including by socializing the application of a clean and healthy lifestyle. Gunung Mas was a district with a high stunting rate, reaching 35.9%, which was reduced to 17%. This reduction is something that Gunung Mas District is proud of and can be a model for other districts in Central Kalimantan Province.
The Award Charter was given directly by the Regent of Gunung Mas, Jaya Samaya Monong, S.E., M.Si accompanied by the Vice Regent of Gunung Mas, Ir. Efrensia L.P Umbing, M.Si to the Rector of Palangka Raya University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salampak, M.S was accompanied by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Natalina Asi, MA and Head of LPPM UPR Dr. Ir. Evi Veronica, MS.
UPR Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salampak, M.S in his speech expressed his appreciation to the Regent of Gunung Mas, the government of Gunung Mas Regency and its staff and expressed his desire to continue to synergize and build quality human resources with the challenges of science and technology that are increasingly advanced and increasingly fierce competition, both through student community service activities or other forms of cooperation with the Gunung Mas Regency Government. “This is something we are all very proud of and must continue to be improved to become an achievement at the national level”. One of the various efforts includes synergy and strengthening the role of Dharma Wanita in participating in handling stunting by becoming an Agent or Role Model in the family and office environment in fulfilling nutrition in order to welcome Indonesia’s golden generation in 2045.
Sementara itu, Bupati Gunung Mas Jaya Samaya Monong, S.E., M.Si dalam sambutannya menyampaikan apresiasinya kepada Rektor Universitas Palangka Raya dengan program unggulan dalam pelaksanaan KKN, yaitu stunting, ketahanan pangan keluarga, peningkatan SDM dan peningkatan ekonomi keluarga, khususnya di perdesaan yang mana ini sudah sesuai dengan Program Pemerintah Gunung Mas, yaitu Smart Human Resourses, Smart Agro dan Smart Tourism. Bupati Gunung Mas juga mengingatkan bahwa selain isu stunting ada juga isu lain terkait pekerjaan bersama dalam melakukan pemberantasan penggunaan narkoba dan obat terlarang lainnya yang juga sejalan dengan program Kemendikbudristek dalam memerangi empat dosa besar di dunia Pendidikan, yaitu intoleransi, kekerasan seksual dan perundungan serta penyalahgunaan narkoba.