Palangka Raya University (UPR) on Monday, October 12, 2023 at the Rahan Hall, 2nd Floor of the Rectorate Building of Palangka Raya University again inaugurated 2 new professors from 2 faculties. In the Open Session of the UPR Senate which took place in the Rahan Hall of the Rectorate Building, Prof. Dr. Andrie Elia, S.E., M.Si in the field of Sociology at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences with the Scientific Oration “Economic Sociology”, and Prof. Dr. Demitra, M.Pd in the field of Mathematics Learning and Learning at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education with the Scientific Oration “Innovation of Mathematics Learning Models Based on Peat Swamp Life Environment “*. With the inauguration of 2 new professors, currently Palangka Raya University has a total of 30 professors. *The inauguration was attended by the representative of the Governor of Central Kalimantan, Plt. Head of Education of Central Kalimantan Province, Eka Aprilianty, S.P., M.Pd, Pj. Mayor of Palangka Raya, Dr. Dra. Hera Nugrahayu, M.Si, representing Danrem 102/PJG, Major CZI Jony Forta and Dirpamobvit Polda Kalteng, KBP Muhammad Rifai as well as the Daily Chairman of DAD Palangka Raya City, Dr. Mambang Tubil, S.H., M.A.P.
Rector of Palangka Raya University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salampak, M.S, in his remarks after inaugurating said that currently UPR continues to encourage the addition of professors by making the Professor Acceleration program. Palangka Raya University in the upcoming 2024 fiscal year has received an indicative budget allocation ceiling from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Three Hundred Thirty-Five Billion, One Hundred Forty-Two Million, Four Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Rupiah (Rp. 335,142,475,000) which means there is an increase of Seventy-One Point Four Billion Rupiah more (Rp. 71.4 M), or by Twenty-Seven Percent (27%) compared to the 2023 budget.

This increase is derived from the increase in BOPTN by Ten Point Six Billion Rupiah (10.6 M), and the target increase in BLU income of 23.4 Billion Rupiah and the success of UPR in being trusted to get a large enough fund for the PTN Revitalization Program of Forty Point Seven Billion Rupiah (Rp. 40.7 M) in the 2024 Budget year. This Revitalization Program is in accordance with the direction of the Director General of Higher Education is focused up to 80% for facilities, the rest is for the training of educators and education personnel. With the increase in the budget, UPR will be more confident that it will be able to improve the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially in accelerating the addition of professors and through improving the quality and quantity of facilities and infrastructure towards the National Standards for Higher Education Infrastructure Facilities.
With the increase in the budget, especially for facilities, we hope that we will be able to achieve better accreditation for study programs at Palangka Raya University, as well as prepare non-UKT sources of income for BLU revenue sources, through certification and / or accreditation of laboratories owned by Palangka Raya University.